Frequently Asked Chimney Questions
Consultation Process:
How does your consultation process work?
You can begin the process by either calling us or emailing us to tell us about your project. If you're sending us an email or leaving a voicemail, please include all of your contact details including your name, address, phone number, and a description of your chimney project. We will get back to you as soon as we possibly can (in less than 48 hours) and guide you through the next steps. Depending on the information provided, we will either conduct a site-visit or ask you to send us some photos and measurements to provide you with an online-quote.
What sort of pictures should I take of my chimney for you?
Take photos of the chimney from every angle you can and photos of the sides of your house as well, so that we can better understand the scaffolding requirements and what issues are present with your chimney.
What kind of measurements do you need from me?
If the chimney is made of brick and is resting alongside your home, we can work off of your photos alone. However, if the chimney is built out of stone or is located in the middle of your home and is concealed in anyway, please measure the distance from the ground up to the roofline.
How long will it take to receive a quote and get the chimney work started?
Once we have all of the details we need, we will provide you with a quote within 48 hours, unless there are unique circumstances surrounding the project, such as designing and rebuilding a new chimney with unique materials.
After the scope of work and quote has been agreed on, we will schedule your project in and get started as soon as our schedule will allow (usually within a few weeks).
Chimney Repointing:
What is chimney repointing?
Chimney repointing is the process of removing the mortar from between the bricks or stones to a depth of 1.5" and replacing it with new mortar. Here at Island Chimney Solutions, we will be able to determine exactly what type of mortar is required for your specific chimney and the materials that it is made of.
How long will it take the mortar to cure?
Depending on the season, it may take anywhere from 36-72 hours for the mortar to cure properly before any heat can be reintroduced to the chimney. We'll let you know prior to repointing your chimney.
What happens after the mortar has cured?
Once the mortar is fully cured, we will then clean the chimney and remove any residual mortar stains from the repointing process.
How long will the new mortar last?
Island Chimney Solutions uses lime-based mortars which will last a lifetime as long as the chimney is properly maintained and is not subjected to excess moisture from within the chimney itself. For example, a chimney cap which has cracks or openings will lead to excessive moisture in behind the brick or stone and will create issues for the mortar.
Chimney Caps:
What is a chimney cap?
A chimney cap, also known as the crown of a chimney, is a concrete slab that sits on top of the chimney and surrounds the flue liners while also overhanging the brick or stonework. Island Chimney Solutions adheres to all Canadian building codes and local municipality building codes as well.
What are the building codes for chimney caps?
A chimney cap must overhang the chimney by 3" on all sides to allow for a drip-edge (an indent along the underside of a chimney cap which diverts water from running down the chimney) and must also be 4" thick. The top of the cap should be also be sloping down towards the corners.
There must also be a weather/air barrier between the top of the brick or stonework and the new cap, as well as around the clay flue liners. The gap between the cap and the flue liners must then be caulked and sealed from the elements. This ensures that every component of the chimney fluctuates at its own pace during the freeze and thaw cycles without cracking.
Lastly, while forming and pouring the concrete chimney cap or crown, rebar or steel mesh must be placed in the center of the concrete to thoroughly re-enforce it.
What happens after the cap has been poured?
The concrete will take roughly a week to fully cure before we can remove the forms, touch a few things up, and clean up the surrounding area.
How long will the new chimney cap last?
Your new chimney cap should last for at least two decades, assuming that no major tremors, earthquakes, inclement weather, etc., occur.
General Chimney Questions:
What is a clay flue liner?
A clay flue liner is a ochre, rectangular, vertical material which allows the chimney to vent and expel its heat upwards. You can see them sticking out just above the chimney cap. The amount of clay flue liners present in your chimney will depend upon how many ventilation shafts are required within a home. Each heat source will require its own flue liner.
Flue liners, much like everything else, will eventually need replacing.
What is a chimney pot?
A chimney pot looks similar to a small concrete house and is built to sit around overtop of a clay flue liner. Chimney pots help to ensure that weather, rodents, and other debris don't make their way down the flue liner.
What is flashing?
Flashing refers to the sheet metal at the base of the chimney where it meets the roofline and is in place to ensure that weather does not make its way between the chimney and the roof, leading to water damage within the home.
We need a new fireplace insert but it won't currently fit. Are you able to expand the fireplace?
Yes! Island Chimney Solutions is able to rebuild, repair, expand, and remodel both the facade of the fireplace, as well as the firebox of the chimney (where the insert sits). Expansions entail a thorough inspection as there is usually a damper box and smoke chamber resting on top of the firebox which is also supporting the clay flue liners.